General Information |
SSL123 Certificate |
SGC SuperCert |
Web Server Certificate |
Wildcard Server Certificate |
Purchase Plan |
Yearly Price |
Rs. 2199/- |
Rs. 14999/- |
Rs. 5999/- |
Rs. 26999/- |
Encryption Level |
Upto 256-bit |
Upto 256-bit with step-up to 128-bit |
Upto 256-bit |
Upto 256-bit |
Reissues |
Free! |
Free! |
Free! |
Free! |
Authentication |
Domain Check and Quick Validation |
Comprehensive Business Verification and Authentication |
Comprehensive Business Verification and Authentication |
Comprehensive Business Verification and Authentication |
Average Issuance Speed |
Within minutes |
Less than 2 Days |
Less than 2 Days |
Less than 2 Days |
Browser Compatibility |
Highest in the industry |
Highest in the industry |
Highest in the industry |
Highest in the industry |
Step-Up Functionality |
Securing Web domains |
Securing gateways (e.g.. Citrix Secure
Gateways) |
Supports IDNs |
Securing multiple hosts for a domain
on the same server |
Securing intranets (private IP ranges) |
Securing web forms for e-commerce
sites |
Purchase Plan |